
Are You Playing Your Own Game? The Power of Uniqueness in Business"

Dan Nicholson

In business, there are countless paths to success. Many leaders and entrepreneurs often find themselves following the strategies and steps taken by others who have found success in their fields. They believe that if it worked for someone else, it should work for them. However, this line of thinking is fundamentally flawed. True success lies in playing your own game by getting clear on how you operate and what you are working to get closer to.

The Unique Advantage

In business, as in life, your unique experiences, skills, and perspectives give you an advantage that no one else possesses. Too often, individuals fail to recognize their distinct strengths, choosing instead to mimic the strategies of others. Yet, as I've learned throughout my career, embracing and leveraging your unique qualities can be your most powerful strategy as it allows you to play to your own strengths.

Autonomy and Ownership

When you're playing your own game, you take control. You define the objectives, you set the pace, and you dictate the rules. This is not about rebelling for the sake of rebellion, but about recognizing that your game - your business approach - should align with your vision and values, not someone else's.

Creating Certainty Amid Uncertainty

The business landscape is constantly evolving, and uncertainty is a given. However, when you are playing your own game, you infuse your journey with a sense of certainty that can be incredibly empowering. When you know that you are doing things in alignment with your unique perspective and capabilities, you navigate the business landscape with increased confidence. This certainty is not just internal – it radiates outward, instilling trust in your team and your clients.

Aligning Business with Personal Goals

One of the greatest advantages of playing your own game is that it aligns your business goals with your personal aspirations. It ensures that your professional journey is moving you closer to the things that you really want. 


Playing your own game in business is about honoring your unique capabilities and vision. It's about dismissing the notion that you need to follow someone else's blueprint for success. Embrace your uniqueness, define your path, and remember: if you're not playing your own game, you're playing someone else's. Don't just play the game - Get clear on how to play it your way and rig it for the upside.

Pause and reflect:

  • Can you identify a time in your professional journey when you were not playing your own game? What impact did that have on your business and personal satisfaction?
  • What unique experiences, skills, and perspectives do you bring to your business? How can you better leverage these unique qualities?
  • Can you share an example of a business leader or entrepreneur who has effectively played their own game? What can you learn from their approach?
  • In what ways has playing your own game affected your relationships with your team and your clients?

Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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