The Sharkpreneuer Podcast

From Marketing to Multimillion-Dollar Developments: The Evolution of Invata Global
Brice Holmes is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and founder and CEO of Invata Global Capital. Since 2013, Brice has invested in over 2,000 multifamily units across six Class A properties, as well as over 250,000 rentable square feet of trophy Class A office space.

Solar Solutions: Turning Rooftops into Revenue
Joshua Schuster is a visionary leader at the forefront of real estate development and strategic initiatives, with a particular focus on delivering sustainable renewable energy outcomes. With his expertise in renewable energy, he has brought fresh attention to the solar sphere and its potential for Florida real estate investors and Wall Street.

Behind the Scenes Brilliance: Crafting Compelling Stories
Diane Strand is an award-winning Executive Producer at JDS Studios and the TV show Spirit of Innovation, the first Riverside County local news and information program. She is the majority owner of JDS Video & Media Productions, Inc / JDS Actors Studio and the founder of nonprofit JDS Creative Academy, she is also a published author who talks about entrepreneurship, and providing pathways for career opportunities in the visual, performing and digital arts.