
Are You Set Up for Retirement? 69% of Americans Say No

Dan Nicholson

The retirement years are a time that should be filled with relaxation and joy. But all too often, this period of life is overshadowed by the underestimated complexities of retirement planning. It's a process that requires not just foresight and strategy, but also a deep understanding of the lurking challenges: unexpected expenses, daunting healthcare costs, and the intricate maze of taxes. By being aware of the common pitfalls and following the six key tips below, you can make informed decisions that lead to a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Don’t Quit Work Too Soon

Before you start dreaming of an early retirement, make sure you have enough savings to live comfortably. The Federal Reserve found that only 31% of American adults feel that their retirement savings are on track — the lowest number in the last five years.

The worst mistake you can make is to assume that Social Security payments will be enough for you to retire on. Financial planner Cody Garrett commented in an interview for U.S. News, “Although we view Social Security as a retirement income benefit, it's actually an insurance program designed to supplement retirement income, not to replace your pre retirement earnings.” 

Social Security only covers about 40% of your pre-retirement income — whereas most experts advise that you need about 80% of your pre-retirement income for a comfortable retirement.

Do Your Research Before Deciding Where to Move

For years, Florida has been a popular choice for those looking to live out their retirement in sunshine and warm weather. However, climate change, natural disasters and inflation have caused homeowners insurance to skyrocket and retirees to flee the state in search of more affordable living. In 2021, nearly 50,000 Floridians moved to Georgia, according to the U.S. Census.

One of the primary drivers of this change is the increasingly unaffordable — or even unavailable — home insurance in the area. According to, Florida homeowners pay $4,218 for insurance on average, nearly double the national average. Compounding the problem is the fact that many insurance companies have pulled out of the state altogether due to the high costs of home repairs after extreme weather.

The lesson here? Don’t let yourself be pulled along by the crowd or the promise of sunshine! Do your research and factor in all the costs before deciding on your ideal retirement location.

Expect Healthcare Expenses

The upward trajectory of healthcare costs over the past decade, combined with current inflation, should be a warning for retirees. A study conducted by HealthView Services Financial revealed the financial weight of healthcare in retirement. 2021 retirees were projected to spend more than $660,000 on healthcare during their retirement years.

Michael Daley of HealthView Services explained, “A 65-year-old couple will see their health-related expenses grow by an average of 5.9 percent each year through retirement, a substantial compounding of costs at a time when income is flat or declining.”

The report also clarified the benefits of delaying reliance on government assistance for as long as possible. “If a couple starts receiving Social Security payments at 65, healthcare expenses will consume 68% of their benefits, leaving far less than many might expect for other living expenses such as housing.” Instead, retirees should take out additional insurance schemes that can help cover at least the early years of retirement.

Understand Taxes and Penalties on Your Savings

Taxes and penalties might not exactly spark joy when it comes to retirement planning, but understanding them is crucial for maximizing your nest egg. Many Americans lose a sizable amount in unexpected fees due to early withdrawals from their retirement funds.

Taking an early loan from your 401(k) might seem convenient, but you'll repay it with after-tax dollars, essentially incurring double taxation when you are charged again on retirement withdrawals. Additionally, early cashouts before age 59½ can come with a 20% penalty, shortchanging your future and your wallet.

Understanding these tax implications early on allows you to make informed decisions that put your retirement on the right track. It’s important to start saving for retirement as early as possible and pay off as many debts as you can before you stop working. Preparing now will help you in the future.

Invest in an Accountant to Help

In addition to helping you understand tax penalties, the expertise of an accountant can prove invaluable. An accountant can provide crucial guidance on managing taxes, optimizing savings, and understanding the financial nuances of retirement. They offer a strategic investment in your financial future, ensuring that every decision you make aligns with your long-term goals and adheres to tax laws and regulations. Their insight can help you navigate the intricate maze of retirement planning, from assessing the tax implications of withdrawing from retirement funds to strategizing investments for sustained growth. By partnering with an accountant, you're not just preparing for retirement; you're strategically investing in a secure and prosperous future.

Hire the Right Financial Planner

Charting your retirement course demands a personalized approach, and finding the right financial guide is your first step.  To ensure that a planner aligns with your financial needs and preferences, Forbes Advisor recommends asking questions about their advice style, investment philosophies, and fees. And don't hesitate to check their qualifications and track record, or seek referrals from trusted sources before securing your ideal retirement navigator. Ultimately, the decision rests on your financial complexity, comfort level, and desired level of support.


Retirement planning isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires understanding the nuances of your financial situation and making decisions that cater to your unique needs and preferences. Remember these strategies.

  • Focus on what brings you closer to a secure retirement, such as working with an accountant to optimize your financial strategy, rather than getting caught up in short-term gains that may lead to long-term pitfalls. 

  • Recognize that each financial choice you make for retirement has trade-offs. Work with your accountant to weigh these options carefully, ensuring that your decisions today will lead to a comfortable and secure retirement. 

  • Treat your retirement planning as a strategic business decision. Aim for options that offer high rewards with controlled risks, such as smart investment choices and tax optimization strategies.

By applying these strategies, you can navigate the complexities of retirement planning, ensuring a future that's not only financially secure but also aligned with your vision for a fulfilling post-career life.


Federal Reserve

U.S. News

Motley Fool






Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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