
Designing Your Ideal Life: Making Adjustments 

Nicole Richards

Life does not always go as expected. We make plans, set goals, and envision the future, only to encounter twists and turns that throw us off track. But like navigating any journey, we have an opportunity to adapt. Making mindset and habit adjustments gives us the ability to respond to life's curves, and ultimately create the life we desire.

Evaluate What Matters

The first step is gaining clarity on what truly matters most. Take time to get centered within yourself and identify your core values, passions, and priorities. Envision your best life. 

What does your ideal look like in terms of relationships, career, health, personal growth, and community impact? Define specific goals and milestones you aim to achieve, whether it is starting a family by 30, running your own business by 40, getting your degree by 50, or publishing a book by 60. This vision serves as your guiding light and north star. 

Managing Adversity & Setbacks

Of course, no journey goes completely according to plan. Life inevitably throws challenges and setbacks our way, veering us off course - a breakup, job loss, illness, family issues. When these difficulties arise, allow yourself to fully process and feel any emotions that come up. Angry, sad, scared, frustrated - these reactions are totally natural and understandable when faced with disruption. 

Then, when you’re ready, refocus on responding in a way that keeps you moving forward as best as possible. For example, if you unexpectedly lose your job, immediately get your resume updated and start networking and applying to new openings. If a relationship ends, give yourself space for self-care and lean on close friends for extra support. Course adjustments are key to staying flexible and able to pivot in a new direction when needed.

Mindset and perspective are critical tools when adversity strikes. Maintaining positivity, motivation, and a solutions-focused attitude, rather than succumbing to discouragement, will help you bounce back more quickly Remembering that nearly everyone faces major setbacks, challenges, and situations outside of their control at some point can bring useful perspective, reminding you that this is merely one chapter versus the entire story. Avoid spiraling into self-criticism when things go wrong, which often only sets you further back.

Oh, if it was only as easy as a simple mindset and solutions-focused attitude. The truth is most of us never consider how or why we got off track in the first place and keep taking the same path, ending up with the same results. IPause, zoom out and consider:have you built the necessary frameworks to move us in a direction where we are more likely to succeed versus fail?

The Importance of Intention & Consistency 

Manifesting your biggest goals and dreams takes more than simply wishing and hoping. It requires determined effort, appropriate action, and willingness to put in consistent effort daily. 

When motivation inevitably lags or you hit periods of doubt, dig deep to maintain discipline and progress. Remember why this vision matters to you and how far you’ve already come. An hour less of mindlessly scrolling social media or watching TV frees up time to pour into working on launching your business idea or creative passion project. Small but intentional steps forward compound into big change over time. 

Often, we unconsciously overinvest time and mental energy into habits, routines and relationships that detract from our core goals and highest aspirations. Take stock of how you spend your days - it’s all too easy to get stuck just reacting without conscious intention. Make it a habit to regularly audit where your bandwidth is going. Release and limit unnecessary distractions, obligations and draining relationships dragging you down. Free up time and space to thoughtfully redirect your effort into those fulfilling, aligned activities that recharge and inspire you.


This process of purposefully designing your life is a lifelong marathon filled with inherent challenges, not a quick sprint. When you inevitably hit periods of frustration, doubt, or lack of motivation, pause, and reflect on how far you’ve already come. Revisit why this vision matters so deeply to you in the first place, and what sparked you to embark on this path and commit to growth. Then silence the inner critic, and simply refocus on taking the next smallest step possible and move forward, intentionally. Progress over perfection. You’ve got this!

In the end, living intentionally is about continually adjusting. When life veers you off course, respond by assessing and adapting to get back on track. Remain watchful for fresh opportunities to take inspired action. And most importantly, bring passion, curiosity, and perseverance to each new day, even when the terrain ahead seems murky or challenging. 

Approach everything as a chance to learn. With an open and resilient spirit ready to respond to whatever may come your way. You have the power to actively design a life filled with meaning, joy, and transformational impact.

Nicole is an acclaimed Mind, Body and Soul Coach devoted to empowering people to live their most fulfilling lives. She works intimately with clients to support their complete well being –physically, emotionally, and spiritually, as they embark upon their journey to recover, heal, and thrive.

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