
Embrace the Etiquette of Digital Workplace Communication

Jeff Merck

It’s 4:30 p.m., and you’re wrapping up the work day when a colleague messages you a mysterious, “hi.” Ellipses bubble next to their avatar as you await for the second part of their message to arrive. Instead of tying up loose ends at your EOD, you’re now captivated by what they have to say, uncertain if it’s a question, an update, or an urgent request that needs to be completed ASAP. You can feel your blood pressure rise from the stress of the unknown. 

Digital communication — whether it’s on Slack, Microsoft Teams, Flock, Hive, or anything like them — doesn’t have to be like this. Especially not when hybrid or remote work is becoming more commonplace. According to recent data from McKinsey & Company, 58% of Americans reported having the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week.

In the swiftly evolving sphere of digital work, efficient collaboration is rooted in effective communication etiquette. As more workplaces become completely remote or adapt to hybrid models, the need for concise and considerate digital communication is crucial.

Importance of Communication Etiquette

Poor digital communication skills have a real impact. Nobody wants to run through every possible scenario when a “hi” drops in their DMs. However, according to a Forbes Advisor survey, nearly half of workers report their productivity being adversely affected by ineffective communications, such as the above scenario. 

While it might come across as rude or inconsiderate, Erica Dhawan, author of the book Digital Body Language believes it’s more of a matter of needing to adapt to an evolving workplace.

“We all learned these communication norms by observing our colleagues,” she wrote in the Harvard Business Review. “But now with the rapid shift to hybrid work, there is a need to create new rules for digital communication. Somehow it seems that the more platforms we have at our disposal, the more complicated digital communication gets.”

The Forbes Advisor data presents a nuanced narrative. While 45% feel more connected to their teams through digital communication, over 60% experience burnout due to information overload. 

Have you ever felt compelled to check Slack, even for just a second, when you’re off the clock? Answering those pings can feel as simple as answering a text. Nearly a quarter of workers feel pressured to stay connected at all times, resulting in heightened stress levels. According to the University of Cambridge, prolonged workplace stress can impact your productivity, motivation, sleep, and overall physical and mental well-being.

Digital Workspace Communication Tips

Within platforms like Slack, effective collaboration hinges on the adept application of etiquette. 

Purposeful conversation initiations, such as clearly stating the subject and intended outcome, exemplify an effective approach. Instead of “hi,” try something like "Hi, I heard you’re an expert in project management. Could we schedule a brief call sometime this week to brainstorm our next project's milestones?" It demonstrates both clarity and respect for their time.

In that vein, try to send your message all in one go. One-word messages followed by multi-lined texts mean the recipient is getting pinged multiple times, or waiting for you to finish your point. If your message involves an ask, give the other person a due date to eliminate unnecessary questions.

Understanding diverse working hours and time zone differences among colleagues can prevent unnecessary disruptions. For instance, avoiding messages that expect an immediate response outside one's typical work hours showcases consideration for their work-life balance.

Dhawan emphasizes that management should play a crucial role in demonstrating and ensuring that good digital communication habits stick: “Having a detailed guide will help ensure that everyone on your team is on the same page and has the same expectations — regardless of who is working from where.”

Leverage the ‘Digital’ Aspect of a Digital Workplace

There are many other ways to help enhance your digital communication skills.

After a meeting, don’t write a missive-length summary and drop it in a team chat. Use formatting tools like bold text, bullet points, or emojis to highlight key takeaways or meeting summaries. Utilizing these features aids in conveying information more concisely helping crucial details stand out.

Normalize posting in public team chats or initiating threads for specific topics or queries rather than resorting to direct messages. This not only prevents direct pings, but also fosters inclusivity, encourages collective discussions, and reduces information silos.

Furthermore, reacting to messages using emojis is an efficient way to convey acknowledgment or support without adding unnecessary messages to the chat. For example, the 👀 emoji can convey that you’re looking at a document. A ✅ acknowledges that you’re done reviewing. This approach minimizes the number of notifications and interruptions. Use follow-up messages only to convey information that can’t be communicated via emoji.


The digital realm, while fostering connectivity, poses multifaceted challenges — burnout, reduced productivity, and heightened stress levels. 

Embracing and embodying effective digital etiquette isn't merely a choice but an imperative. It not only streamlines workflows but also fosters a healthier work environment. It ensures a harmonious and efficient workplace, laying the groundwork for a more balanced and productive future.






McKinsey & Company

Harvard Business Review

University of Cambridge

This article was originally published in Certainty News.

Jeff Merck, a Certified Certainty Adviser (CCA) and Executive Professional, with expertise spanning sales, technology, operations, real estate, and spiritual development. Jeff is driven by his mission to help others and make a global positive impact through his work.

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