
Global Investor Sentiment Brightens

Dan Nicholson

Global investor sentiment has taken a positive turn, reaching levels of optimism not seen since February 2022 according to recent data from Bank of America (BofA) and Bloomberg. 

Investors’ Confidence on the Upswing

Data from BofA indicates that the global investment community is currently the least bearish since February 2022. Moreover, cash allocations have dipped to a 21- month low. The declining number of investors expecting a downturn in global growth, dropping from 60% in July to 45% in August, further underscores this optimism.

Economic Growth: A Softer Perspective

While there's still a general sentiment that global growth may face a slowdown in the upcoming year, the mood is notably less pessimistic. Bloomberg's insights align, highlighting a decreasing concern over potential recession and predicting a "soft landing" for the worldwide economy.

Shifts in Investment: Stocks and Commodities in Spotlight

There’s a marked transition out of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) that’s reminiscent of the Global Financial Crisis levels. Instead, investors are showing renewed interest in stocks and commodities, indicating a confidence boost in traditional growth-centric assets.

Sectoral Preferences Emerge

A clear preference has emerged as investors seem to be favoring technology, energy, and banking sectors. At the same time they are diverting funds from the likes of industrials, discretionary sectors, and utilities. Technology stocks have also seen a pronounced focus, pulling considerable weight since December 2021.

Geographical Realignment in Equities

U.S. and euro-area equities saw a dip in allocations. In contrast, equities from emerging markets, Japan, and the UK are on the rise. This shift could signify a broader diversification approach among global investors.

Potential Risks Loom

Despite the prevalent optimism, BofA’s Michael Hartnett advises prudence. The dropping cash levels, currently at a 21-month low of 4.8%, might not necessarily serve as a strong "buy" indicator. Moreover, the shadow of inflation continues to loom, potentially prompting central banks to adopt a more guarded, hawkish stance.


The current uptick in investor sentiment paints a promising picture for the global economy and business environment. However, as with any economic trend, it's crucial to interpret it with a mix of hope and caution. The business world must remain alert and adaptive to these ever-evolving global shifts.




Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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