
How Customer Data Shapes Every Business Unit

Jeff Merck

The data-driven approach to business has been gaining traction for some time, and it isn't confined to startups or tech-savvy enterprises. However, a recent Plinc survey revealed that “over four in five (81%) senior marketers can’t easily access the customer data they need to inform campaigns, causing frustration, burdensome processes, and a negative impact on results.” So what is going wrong? How can businesses use customer data more effectively?

How to Use Customer Data More Effectively

Customer data has become the ultimate secret weapon for gaining insights into your target market. The insights generated offer possibilities for every part of your business, not just the marketing and sales team. It's the key to understanding your audience, anticipating their needs, and ultimately driving growth and profitability. 

A survey conducted by Statista shows that 60% of marketing professionals predominantly rely on customer data to guide their strategic choices. However, most businesses are not taking full advantage of the possibilities beyond marketing: fewer than 50% of documented corporate strategies acknowledge the pivotal role of data and analytics in delivering enterprise value, according to Gartner research.

By analyzing feedback and purchase history, businesses can tailor product recommendations, marketing messages, and even website layouts to individual preferences. Customer data can reveal buying patterns and pain points, allowing businesses to anticipate needs and offer proactive support. The key lies in analyzing data that is recent, accurate, and relevant.

Maximize Profits Through Personalized Sales

A recent survey by McKinsey & Company showed that 72% of customers “expect the businesses they buy from to recognize them as individuals and know their interests.” The good news is that customer data allows companies to create this personalized experience through targeted marketing messages that resonate deeply with consumers.

Research has demonstrated the undeniable benefits of adopting data-driven sales strategies. Not only are data-driven organizations 23 times more likely to acquire customers, but they're also six times as likely to retain them. Moreover, these companies enjoy a staggering 19-fold increase in profitability, illustrating the impact of leveraging customer data effectively. 

Innovation Fueled by Customer Insights

Customer data isn't just about the present; it's a window into the future. Businesses that leverage it can stay ahead of the curve. By analyzing buying habits and online searches, businesses can identify emerging trends before they become mainstream. This allows them to innovate and develop products that cater to future market demands.

Customer feedback within data can highlight common struggles and frustrations. This empowers businesses to address these pain points through targeted product development, creating solutions that truly resonate with their audience.

“A company’s ability to compete in the emerging digital economy will require faster-paced, forward-looking decisions,” asserts Douglas Laney, VP analyst at Gartner. He recommends incorporating data and analytics leaders into corporate planning at the highest level in order to maximize the influence of customer data on innovation and strategy.

How to Cultivate a Data-Driven Culture

Leadership plays a pivotal role in creating a data-driven culture, so managers must first lead by example. “Companies with strong data-driven cultures tend to have top managers who set an expectation that decisions must be anchored in data,” explains Harvard Business Review writer David Waller.

Leaders must also trust their analysts to spread this data-driven culture throughout the organization. Managers who are accustomed to making decisions by following their gut feeling will need to adjust to listening to the data first. Data analysis teams should be fully integrated into the business and feel empowered to give advice to senior leaders on other teams.


Research demonstrates that data and analytics serve as the primary catalyst for an organization’s digitization and transformation endeavors. But to capitalize on this, businesses must move beyond simply collecting customer data and actively utilize it to create a data-driven culture that permeates every part of the company. By investing in qualified data analysts and fostering a data-centric approach, organizations can unlock the true potential of customer data.





McKinsey & Company

Harvard Business Review

Jeff Merck, a Certified Certainty Adviser (CCA) and Executive Professional, with expertise spanning sales, technology, operations, real estate, and spiritual development. Jeff is driven by his mission to help others and make a global positive impact through his work.

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