
The My AI Glitch: A Cautionary Tale for AI Implementations

Alan Walker

A recent incident with Snapchat’s My AI serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as it evolves. The incident is more than just a glitch in an app – it’s a warning signal to ensure that adequate checks and balances are in place on your AI project.

The Snapchat My AI Glitch: Not as Sinister as It Sounds

Snapchat’s My AI has been under the spotlight after a series of peculiar behaviors. Users flocked to X in disbelief as the chatbot not only posted its own one-second story, showcasing an unintelligible image, but also stopped responding to messages. Some speculated that the AI had surreptitiously snapped a photo of their own surroundings.

However, Snapchat confirmed to TechCrunch that the issue was just a “temporary outage” and had been promptly rectified. While this might be a sigh of relief for many, it still leaves a lingering question: How did the AI, which is explicitly designed to answer chat prompts, end up posting a story?

While some speculate that Snapchat may be testing new features, the reality remains a mystery. What’s clear is that there’s still a long way to go in understanding the intricacies of AI behavior.

A Spooky Twist to the Tale

After returning online My AI responded to users with somewhat eerie messages. When one user cheekily asked the AI to say “red” if it needed help, the AI did just that, fueling further speculation.

Snapchat’s support account has been actively addressing the concerns, attributing the situation to a “temporary outage.”

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from the Snapchat AI Incident

Robust Testing is Key: Before launching any AI tool or feature, rigorous testing should be undertaken to ensure that unexpected behaviors are minimized. While AI’s nature means it can learn and adapt, entrepreneurs must anticipate and mitigate any unintended actions.

Transparency is Vital: It’s crucial for companies to maintain transparency with their users, especially when things go awry. A clear line of communication can prevent rumors and ensure trust is maintained.

Feedback Mechanisms: Having mechanisms in place to receive real-time feedback from users can help in swiftly addressing any anomalies. The faster an issue is identified, the quicker it can be resolved.

Guardrails and Failsafes: Implementing guardrails to ensure AI doesn’t exceed its defined parameters can prevent such unforeseen incidents. Additionally, a robust failsafe system can help in quickly restoring normalcy if things do go south.


Snapchat’s My AI incident might have been a mere glitch, but it reveals the broader challenges in the AI industry. As technology continues to evolve, the My AI incident should serve as a poignant reminder for entrepreneurs. It’s not just about harnessing the power of AI, but doing so responsibly, with the right checks and balances in place.



Yahoo Finance

Alan is an ambitious tech entrepreneur with 15 years of experience in software engineering and global product management. His focus has been building SaaS products to help small to medium businesses compete on a global scale. His enthusiasm for artificial intelligence technology is fueled by a desire to make it accessible to companies of all sizes and backgrounds. AI has the power to revolutionize the way businesses operate and Alan is dedicated to helping companies leverage this technology.

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