
The Three Reasons Why Some People Always Win: The Power of Bias, Gameplay, and Toolkits

Understanding why some people always seem to come out on top can feel like decoding an enigma. It might be tempting to ascribe it to luck, privileged circumstances, or some innate characteristic. 

However, the true reasons are less mysterious and more under our control than we might think. In my book "Rigging the Game," I share three principal elements that influence the difference between perennial winners and the rest: recognizing biases, playing one's unique game, and building a customized toolkit. So how can we leverage these factors to get closer to the things we really want?

Recognizing Biases

We all have biases. They're an integral part of our decision-making processes, impacting how we perceive situations, analyze information, and ultimately, make choices. However, those who consistently win have learned to identify and manage their biases effectively. They understand that biases can distort reality and lead them astray from their true desires. They work on mitigating biases, which in turn allows them to make more informed decisions that align with their actual wants and needs.

In the world of finance, this means regularly auditing yourself, consulting diverse perspectives, and welcoming evidence that contradicts one's preconceived notions. By bringing these biases to light, individuals can ensure that they're moving closer to their genuine financial goals, rather than being unconsciously guided by misleading perceptions that turn into cognitive distortions.

Playing One's Unique Game

The second component of the winning trifecta involves understanding one's unique game. Successful individuals know they're not in a universal game with fixed rules; instead, they're playing their own game, defined by their values, goals, circumstances, and strengths. They understand that their definition of success might differ from societal norms or expectations, and they're unapologetic about it. They carve out their path rather than attempting to fit into a preconceived mold.

In practical terms, this means defining what you want on your terms. What does financial success look like for you? It could be amassing wealth, achieving a stable income to support a desired lifestyle, or attaining financial freedom to explore other passions. Once you define this, you can then tailor your strategies and actions accordingly.

Creating and Using a Personal Toolkit

Having identified their biases and defined their unique game, winners further distance themselves from the pack by developing and frequently employing a personalized toolkit. This toolkit comprises skills, knowledge, resources, and strategies tailored to their specific game. It's not a one-size-fits-all toolbox, but rather, a bespoke set of tools adapted to the individual's unique circumstances and goals.

In the realm of finances, this toolkit could encompass diverse investment strategies, financial literacy skills, budgeting tools, and a network of financial advisors as well as the various factors that go into our decision making. With a robust toolkit, individuals are equipped to make informed financial decisions, tackle unexpected challenges, and ultimately, move closer to their unique financial goals. 


Winning consistently in the game of life and finances isn't reserved for a lucky few. It's accessible to anyone willing to understand and navigate their biases, play their unique game, and harness a tailored toolkit. However, it's essential to bear in mind the broader social and ethical implications of our actions. While striving for our goals, we should ensure that we're implementing our strategies ethically, maintaining a strong connection with our audience or client base, and contributing positively to the community at large.

By acknowledging and addressing these three fundamental aspects, we can tilt the odds in our favor, move closer to what we truly want, and redefine what it means to be a winner. Remember, winning isn't merely about outperforming others—it's about achieving our personal best and realizing our unique vision of success.

Pause and reflect:

  • How do you define winning in your personal life and professional endeavors? 
  • Can you identify a bias that you have overcome or are still working to mitigate?
  • What strategies have you found effective in developing your unique game? How has this shaped your financial or personal success?
  • In the context of developing a personalized toolkit, what are the top three tools you rely on?
  • Do you agree that success is about achieving our personal best and realizing our unique vision? 
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