
Zoom Unveils Revamped AI Features

Alan Walker

Zoom’s AI Evolution and Controversies

It was a tumultuous time for Zoom when allegations arose about its potential misuse of users’ videos for AI training following an ambiguous change in its terms of service. The backlash led the company to clarify its policy, ensuring that “communications-like” customer data will remain out of AI training scopes, for both internal and third-party AI models.

Introducing AI Companion

Zoom IQ has been reborn as the AI Companion, equipped with generative AI technologies born in-house at Zoom as well as those from renowned vendors like Meta, OpenAI, and Anthropic. The revamp signifies a broader integration across Zoom, now stretching to Zoom Whiteboard, Zoom Team Chat, and Zoom Mail.

Coming to the spotlight is the ChatGPT-like conversational interface slated for launch in spring 2024. This will enable users to communicate directly with the AI Companion, pulling insights from meetings, documents, and third-party apps to assist users in real-time. It promises to auto-summarize, offer actionable insights from meetings, and even offer real-time feedback on users’ meeting participation.

However, this feedback feature might not be everyone’s cup of tea, and it’s good to know that account owners and administrators can disable these capabilities.

Expanding the AI Umbrella

Beyond the central features, Zoom Team Chat users can soon expect the ability to summarize chat threads. By early 2024, Zoom aims to roll out auto-complete chat sentences. Furthermore, the AI Companion will empower Zoom Whiteboard with image generation capabilities, similar to tools like OpenAI’s DALL-E 2.

Another AI integration is coming to Zoom Mail, which will soon offer AI-suggested email responses. Additionally, come spring 2024, Zoom’s note-taking app, Notes, will support the addition of meeting summaries.

Access to many of these features will be exclusive to paying Zoom customers.

Enter Zoom Revenue Accelerator

Zoom’s rebranding frenzy didn’t stop at the AI Companion. The previously launched Zoom IQ for Sales has transformed into the Zoom Revenue Accelerator. Despite criticisms at its initial launch regarding its sentiment analysis algorithms, Zoom seems committed to its evolution. With the rebrand, a variety of capabilities, such as a “virtual coach” and deal risk signals, are set to debut.

Zoom’s Quest to Become an All-in-one Solution

Zoom is embarking on a mission to transition from a mere video chat platform to a comprehensive office suite. A case in point is the introduction of the “Notes” feature, which allows users to create, share, and collaboratively edit documents in real-time.

With previous additions like an email service (@zmail) and Team Chat, Zoom is aggressively expanding its horizons.


Zoom’s drive to innovate and adapt in the evolving landscape of remote work tools showcases its determination to remain a relevant player in the digital workspace arena. Only time will tell if these are fruitful.



The Verge

Alan is an ambitious tech entrepreneur with 15 years of experience in software engineering and global product management. His focus has been building SaaS products to help small to medium businesses compete on a global scale. His enthusiasm for artificial intelligence technology is fueled by a desire to make it accessible to companies of all sizes and backgrounds. AI has the power to revolutionize the way businesses operate and Alan is dedicated to helping companies leverage this technology.

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