
The Healthcare Wealth Gap

Dr. Stacy Livingston

Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy, driving innovation and providing employment for millions. However, the recent surge in healthcare costs has become a significant hurdle for these enterprises. As healthcare profits soar and insurance premiums continue to rise, small businesses find it increasingly challenging to manage the financial burden. The latest data highlights that healthcare expenses are outpacing inflation, forcing small businesses to make tough decisions that impact their growth and sustainability. This escalating issue underscores the urgent need for solutions that can alleviate the financial pressure on small businesses while ensuring their employees have access to quality healthcare.

The Financial Strain of Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs have been rising steadily, placing a disproportionate burden on small businesses. According to a report by the Small Business Majority, over the next 10 years, small businesses are expected to spend nearly $2.4 trillion on healthcare, which significantly reduces their ability to reinvest in their operations and workforce​. These expenses often lead to difficult choices, such as cutting back on benefits or limiting hiring.

The complex and opaque nature of the American healthcare system disproportionately affects small businesses. Unlike larger corporations, small businesses do not have the bargaining power to negotiate lower rates for health insurance, resulting in higher premiums and out-of-pocket expenses for both employers and employees.

High healthcare costs not only strain financial resources but also affect employee retention and recruitment. A White House Archives report indicates that small businesses frequently lose out on top talent to larger companies that can offer more comprehensive and affordable healthcare benefits. This competitive disadvantage makes it harder for small businesses to attract and retain skilled employees, further hampering their growth potential.

The Disparity in Healthcare Benefits

The disparity in healthcare benefits between small businesses and large corporations is stark. A study by Fierce Healthcare revealed that health insurance premiums for small businesses have been rising faster than those for larger firms, exacerbating the financial strain. This inequality in health coverage means that employees of small businesses often face higher deductibles and fewer benefits, impacting their overall health and job satisfaction.

The JPMorgan Chase Institute found that health insurance premiums for small businesses increased by 19% over the past five years. For small businesses with less than $600,000 in annual revenues, health insurance costs represent about 12% of their payroll expenses, compared to 7% for firms with more than $2.4 million in annual revenue.

The economic implications of these disparities are profound. A study by the Small Business Majority estimates that reducing healthcare costs for small businesses could lead to significant economic benefits, including the creation of more jobs and increased business investment. By leveling the playing field, small businesses could allocate more resources toward innovation and expansion, driving broader economic growth.

Actionable Insights for Small Businesses

To effectively manage rising healthcare costs, small businesses need to adopt strategic approaches that not only alleviate financial pressure but also promote employee well-being. Here are key strategies that can help small businesses navigate the complexities of healthcare expenses and create a healthier, more productive workforce:

  1. Explore Group Insurance Plans: Small businesses can join group insurance plans through local chambers of commerce or industry associations to leverage collective bargaining power and secure better rates.
  2. Promote Preventive Health Programs: Implementing wellness programs and preventive health measures can reduce overall healthcare costs by promoting a healthier workforce. These programs can include regular health screenings, fitness incentives, and educational workshops on healthy living.
  3. Utilize Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Encouraging employees to use HSAs can help manage out-of-pocket expenses. HSAs allow employees to save pre-tax dollars for medical expenses, reducing their taxable income and providing a financial cushion for healthcare costs.
  4. Consider Alternative Healthcare Models: Small businesses can explore alternative healthcare models such as direct primary care (DPC), which offers a flat monthly fee for unlimited primary care services. This model can provide cost savings and improved access to care.

Increasing Health Equity and Business Benefits

Investing in health equity is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic business move. By ensuring all employees have access to equitable healthcare, small businesses can enhance employee well-being, increase productivity, and reduce absenteeism. A commitment to health equity can also boost a company’s reputation, making it an attractive place to work and helping to retain top talent.

Deloitte emphasizes that companies prioritizing health equity see improved employee satisfaction and retention. By addressing health disparities and promoting inclusive health policies, small businesses can create a more supportive and productive work environment, ultimately driving better business outcomes.


The rising costs of healthcare present significant challenges for small businesses, affecting their financial health, employee retention, and growth potential. However, by exploring cost-saving strategies, investing in preventive health programs, and promoting health equity, small businesses can mitigate these challenges and build a more resilient workforce. Addressing healthcare disparities is not only beneficial for employees but also essential for the long-term success and sustainability of small businesses.


Small Business Majority

White House Archives

Fierce Healthcare

The Economist

Dr. Livingston enjoys taking care of patients from the mild to the wild. He is the doctor for you, if you have been to other places and told there was nothing that could be done for your or told “It’s all in your head”. He accepts all types of cases including workers compensation, auto accident and personal injury cases. He believes chiropractic can help everyone add life to their years and get them back to doing what they love.

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