
The Importance of Morning Routines for Entrepreneurs

Dr. Stacy Livingston

Entrepreneurs are known for their unwavering spirit, hard work, and relentless drive. But to maintain that zest for innovation and progress, your mind and body must be in sync. To function at your peak starts with how you begin the day.

Brain Health and the First Light of Day

Morning routines are more than just about getting ready for the day. According to cognitive neuroscientist Caroline Leaf, Ph.D. the moment you wake up is a time when your conscious and unconscious minds reconnect, making this a critical time for setting the tone for the entire day. 

Cognitive behavioral therapist Joanna Grover even likens the initial actions in the morning to the first sip of water one takes - it sets the expectation for the day. This means that beginning the day right can significantly influence decision-making, creativity, and overall performance throughout the day.

Myth-Busting Morning Routines

TikTok and various social media platforms often depict morning routines as elaborate rituals filled with the latest wellness fads. While there's no harm in enjoying a comprehensive wellness routine, it's essential to understand that an effective morning routine doesn't need to be long or intricate. For many, especially busy entrepreneurs and working parents, the morning rush can be quite overwhelming. 

Setting the Stage: Tips for a Mindful Morning

Here are some straightforward strategies entrepreneurs can incorporate into their mornings:

Assess Your Emotions: Spend a few moments recognizing and understanding your feelings upon waking up. Being aware of negative emotions. Addressing them can prevent you from carrying that negativity throughout the day.

Embrace the Natural Light: Gazing out the window for a few moments can decrease cortisol levels and stimulate creativity. Cortisol is a hormone that has many functions in the human body. Having too much of it is not a good thing and will lead to your body breaking down over time.  

Musical Start: Begin your day with an energizing playlist. Music can uplift spirits and mentally prepare you for the day's challenges.

Limit Screen Time: The influx of information from screens first thing in the morning can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Delay checking your phone or laptop to prioritize mental well-being.

Engage in Positive Self-Talk: A simple act like addressing yourself by name can provide an objective perspective, boosting confidence and clarity.

Express Gratitude: Taking a moment to acknowledge and be thankful for the little things can drastically shift one's mindset.


For entrepreneurs, mornings can be a crucial time to set the tone for the rest of the day. With the world's pace only getting faster, understanding the neuroscience behind morning routines and incorporating simple, effective habits can be the difference between a productive day and a challenging one. Remember, it's not about the length of the routine but the intention and mindfulness behind it that counts. Start your day right, and watch the ripple effect it has on the rest of your entrepreneurial journey.


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Dr. Livingston enjoys taking care of patients from the mild to the wild. He is the doctor for you, if you have been to other places and told there was nothing that could be done for your or told “It’s all in your head”. He accepts all types of cases including workers compensation, auto accident and personal injury cases. He believes chiropractic can help everyone add life to their years and get them back to doing what they love.

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