
How Employers Can Reduce Pharmacy Costs by 30%

The escalating cost of prescription drugs remains a major concern for employers, health plans, and consumers. In 2022, prescription drug expenditures in the United States reached approximately $605 billion, with projections indicating this figure could exceed $750 billion by 2028​​. These rising costs not only burden individuals but also significantly impact small businesses and health plans. This article explores the current landscape of pharmacy costs and highlights innovative approaches such as promoting biosimilars and optimizing plan designs to achieve substantial cost savings.

The Rising Tide of Prescription Drug Costs

Prescription drug prices in the U.S. have been rising at an alarming rate, with costs growing faster than other areas of healthcare. A study by the AARP found that the prices of brand-name prescription drugs widely used by older Americans increased more than 2.5 times faster than inflation between 2006 and 2020. This surge in costs has prompted employers and health plans to seek new ways to mitigate the financial burden on their organizations and members.

One promising strategy to reduce pharmacy costs is the promotion of biosimilars. Biosimilars are FDA-approved medications that are highly similar to their reference biologic drugs but typically offered at a lower cost. By encouraging the use of biosimilars, employers and health plans can achieve substantial savings without compromising the quality of care. A report from the RAND Corporation estimated that biosimilars could save the U.S. healthcare system up to $150 billion over the next decade.

To effectively promote biosimilars, small businesses should focus on increasing awareness and education among healthcare providers and patients. This can be achieved through targeted communication campaigns and by highlighting the clinical efficacy and safety of biosimilars compared to their biologic counterparts.

Optimizing Plan Designs for Better Cost Management

Another effective approach to managing rising pharmacy costs is optimizing plan designs. Employers and health plans can implement several strategies within their plan structures to control expenses. These include:

Tiered Formularies: Implementing a tiered formulary system encourages the use of lower-cost medications by categorizing drugs into different tiers based on their cost and clinical effectiveness. Patients pay lower copayments for drugs in the preferred tiers, which can drive significant cost savings.

Utilization Management: Techniques such as prior authorization, step therapy, and quantity limits help ensure that medications are used appropriately and efficiently. By implementing these controls, health plans can prevent unnecessary spending on high-cost drugs when lower-cost alternatives are available.

Value-Based Contracts: Value-based contracts with pharmaceutical manufacturers can align drug prices with clinical outcomes. These contracts often include performance guarantees, where manufacturers provide rebates or discounts if the medications do not meet specified clinical targets.

The Proof Points on Purpose-Driven Success

The benefits of purpose-driven entrepreneurship are well-documented, with numerous studies highlighting the positive impact of having a clear mission. The Harvard Business Review revealed that companies with a strong sense of purpose tend to outperform their peers. Purpose provides a unifying vision that motivates employees, attracts customers, and aligns stakeholders. Specifically, the review found that purpose-driven companies reported 30% higher levels of innovation and 40% higher levels of employee retention compared to their counterparts.

Additionally, a study by Deloitte supports these findings, noting that mission-driven companies are more likely to retain top talent and foster a culture of innovation. The study found that organizations with a strong sense of purpose had employee satisfaction rates that were 50% higher than those without a clear mission. Deloitte's research also indicated that these companies experienced higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are critical factors for long-term success.

These insights underscore the importance of cultivating a purpose-driven business model. As Nelson Chu, CEO of Percent, exemplifies, integrating a clear mission into the core of a business strategy can drive significant improvements in both operational performance and overall company morale. Chu's emphasis on maintaining a purpose-driven approach has been instrumental in guiding Percent through various market challenges, highlighting the broader applicability of this strategy across different industries.


As prescription drug costs continue to rise, employers and health plans must adopt innovative strategies to manage and reduce these expenses. Promoting biosimilars and optimizing plan designs are effective approaches that can lead to significant cost savings while maintaining access to essential medications. By implementing these strategies, stakeholders can better navigate the complex landscape of pharmacy costs and ensure sustainable healthcare benefits for their employees and members.


Peterson-KFF Health System


American Academy of Actuaries


Harvard Business Review


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