
Scientists Hack Photosynthesis to Capture Carbon Dioxide

Imagine a world where our crops do more than just feed us—they actively help fight climate change by pulling more carbon from the air than ever before. Thanks to a recent scientific breakthrough, this could soon become a reality. Scientists have recently made a breakthrough in their understanding of photosynthesis, which has the potential to improve both our agricultural practices and our approach to carbon dioxide reduction. With rising CO2 levels contributing to global warming, pioneering ways to enhance natural carbon capture has never been more crucial.

Decoding Carbon Capture

A landmark study by researchers from The Australian National University and the University of Newcastle has revealed a new role for an enzyme in cyanobacteria, setting the stage for revolutionary advances in agriculture and climate resilience. This enzyme, carboxysomal carbonic anhydrase (CsoSCA), is critical in the carbon dioxide concentrating mechanism in cyanobacteria, enabling these organisms to capture atmospheric carbon dioxide far more efficiently than traditional plants.

Lead author Dr. Ben Long highlighted the impact of their findings: “Until now, scientists were unsure how the CsoSCA enzyme is controlled. Our study focused on unraveling this mystery.” What they found was that another molecule called RuBP activates this enzyme. Long explained that “the rate of turning carbon dioxide into sugar depends on how fast RuBP is supplied.” 

Cyanobacteria: Tiny Giants in Carbon Capture

More commonly known for their role in harmful algal blooms, cyanobacteria are now showing their worth as carbon fixers. They capture about 12% of the globe’s carbon dioxide every year, and their system is much more effective and efficient than the photosynthesis processes in regular plants.

Sacha Pulsford, lead author of the study, elaborated on the unique capabilities of these microorganisms to fix higher levels of CO2 from the atmosphere. “Unlike plants, cyanobacteria have a system called a carbon dioxide concentrating mechanism, which allows them to fix carbon from the atmosphere and turn it into sugars at a significantly faster rate than standard plants and crop species.” 

As atmospheric CO2 levels continue to rise, researchers believe we will reach a tipping point where plants can no longer keep up with the increasing demand for carbon absorption. Pulsford stressed the implications of their work: “Understanding how the CCM works not only enriches our knowledge of natural processes fundamental to Earth’s biogeochemistry but may also guide us in creating sustainable solutions to some of the biggest environmental challenges the world is facing.”

A Growing Necessity

Since the onset of the industrial era, the role of terrestrial plants in mitigating carbon emissions has become increasingly crucial yet complex. Previous research has focused on determining how much carbon dioxide plants capture, and whether we can modify them to capture more.

A 2022 study, published in the journal Trends in Plant Science, found that plants have evolved to capture more CO2—but not quickly enough to keep up with our human production. Study author Lucas Cernusak clarified, “Terrestrial plants are removing about 29% of our emissions that would otherwise contribute to the growth of the atmospheric CO2 concentration.” He describes this phenomenon as “kind of a silver lining in an otherwise stormy sky.”

However, this beneficial role is reaching a critical juncture. As CO2 levels continue to climb, scientists like Cernusak are concerned that plants may soon reach a saturation point where they cannot absorb carbon as effectively. This potential tipping point is pivotal, marking a phase where plants' natural carbon-absorbing capabilities might begin to wane. 

Pioneering Climate-Resilient Crops

The insights into CsoSCA's enhanced functionality could lead to the development of crops that emulate the carbon-fixing capabilities of cyanobacteria. If the bacterial system of carbon capture could be transplanted into food crops, they would not only improve CO2 levels but also improve food production.

These supercharged plants would not only capture more carbon dioxide but also do so at a faster rate, potentially transforming our approach to combating climate change and boosting food security. The researchers suggest that incorporating this mechanism into crop plants could drastically increase yields while decreasing the need for nitrogen fertilizers and extensive irrigation.


This breakthrough in understanding the function of the CsoSCA enzyme in cyanobacteria marks a major leap in biotechnological innovations aimed at boosting crop resilience and efficiency. This discovery could lead to the development of crop varieties that play a crucial role in enhancing food security and combating climate change, offering a glimpse into a future where agricultural advances meet environmental stewardship head-on.


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