
Unshackling Entrepreneurs from the Desk

Paul Lyngso

Entrepreneurship often conjures images of tireless hours at a desk, fueled by endless cups of coffee. But for entrepreneurs to truly thrive, they need to embrace a holistic approach to their health, intertwining both mind and body. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights, this isn’t just about weight loss—it's about optimizing cognitive functionality and emotional stability.

The Brain-Body Synergy

While many entrepreneurs know the physical perks of activity—stronger muscles, better cardiovascular health, and robust bones—few recognize the cerebral benefits. Physical activity is a catalyst for improved memory, clearer thinking, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and emotional equilibrium. Plus, it acts as a deterrent against cognitive decline and conditions like dementia. Sedentary adults, studies suggest, are nearly twice as prone to cognitive decline as their active counterparts.

More Than Just Physical Gains

Activity isn't just about warding off the dreaded "office belly" or sculpting a more defined physique. The benefits cascade into various aspects of life, from better sleep patterns to reduced cancer risks, even potentially elongating your lifespan.

Bridging Activity into the Entrepreneurial Routine

You don't need to morph into fitness fanatics to enjoy these perks. Even the slightest uptick in activity can be transformative. Here's how:

Micro Workouts: The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate activity weekly. Break this down: 30 minutes a day over 5 days is entirely feasible. Or even in smaller chunks—how about a quick 10-minute break every few hours?

Groovy Breaks: Convert monotonous tasks into dynamic ones. Crank up the music and let yourself dance. Twisting, turning, and even silly dancing can rev up your heart rate and brighten your mood.

Make it Routine: Embed physicality into your daily rituals. Park further away at meetings, choose stairs over elevators, or even exit from public transit a stop early. Elevate these activities over time—like including hand weights during your daily walks.

Pet-Powered Activity: If you own a dog, use your furry friend as a fitness companion. Dog owners, according to one study, walk an impressive 22 minutes more daily. Extend those dog walks, exploring new terrains and routes.

Activity Diary: Start by documenting your daily activities for a week. This reflection can illuminate pockets of time ripe for physical activity. Allocate these times as "non-negotiable" physical activity slots in your entrepreneurial calendar.


In the relentless world of startups and business ownership, physical activity isn't a luxury—it's a necessity. As entrepreneurs, harnessing the power of physical activity can be the secret ingredient to not just surviving in the business world but truly thriving.



From fitness trainer to gym owner to establishing an online fitness brand, host of The Missing Piece podcast, philosophical thinker and optimist, loving husband and father. Paul Lyngso practices growth and optimizing life in each phase and season.

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